
Argenia, a generative natural design

 Celestino Soddu, Director of Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano University


 John Hamilton Frazer, Professor, Dean of the School of Design - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The ideological basis of generative expression in design

 Mirja Kälviäinen, Vice Principal, Ph.D., The Kuopio Academy of Crafts and Design, Finland

The Artist´s Intentions and Genetic Coding in Algorithmically Generated Drawings

 Hans Dehlinger, Professor at theDepartment of Product-Design, Director of the Institute “Design - Kunst - Computer” at the University of Kassel, Germany

Schema Emergence in Generic Design (Architecture and Industrial design)

 Rivka Oxman, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. Technion City, Haifa, Israel

From Ramon Lull to Image Idea Generation

 Owen F. Ransen, Computer Graphics Consultant

An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Industrial Design Support

 Ming-xi Tang, School of Design - The Hong Kong Polytechnic

There is a universal visual grammar!

 Peter Stebbing, Professor at Hochschule für Gestaltung, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany

Verba, Scripta et Alea Generatim

 Enrica Colabella, Politecnico di Milano, Milan Polytechnic University

Generative art in cellular automata that include principles from quantum theory

 Philip Van Loocke, Professor at the Lab for Applied Epistemology, University of Ghent, Belgium


 Cristiano Ceccato, School of Design - The Hong Kong Polytechnic

Collage, Technology and Creative Process

 Penny Feuerstein, The Art Institute of Chicago

The genetic code of drawing: A Systemic-functional approach to the semiotics of visual language

 Howard Riley, Swansea Institute of Higher Education, University of Wales

Designing the Undesigned: Emergence as a tool for design

 Michael Pontecorvo, Chief Technologist/Founder Emergent Design, USA

Evolutionary Banners: exploring a generative design approach

 Richard Gatarski, School of Business, Stockholm University, Sweden

The Nagual Experiment

 Mauro Annunziato, ENEA, Italy

Atomic Revolution

 Edward Suzuki-Hoerdt, Architect, Japan

Design methodology in Higher Education and the role of Generative Approach to problem-solving

 David Hartwell, School of Design and Manufacture, DeMontfort University, Leicester UK